Do you pay for everything you buy with checks?
Are you the kind of person who only uses cash?
Are you like me and rely on your debit/check card for everything?
No matter how you pay for things, it's...
"Even though I take classes, read books, and listen to CDs, I still don't have the life I want and am unhappy with the one I have. How can I live the kind of life I want?"
This is a problem that comes up surprisingly often. People who go...
Tell yourself that no matter what, there will be some mess when you have a child.
Start with the clutter and messes you see every day. Get your kitchen, garage, and family room in order before you start on the closet in the...
Building relationships is one of the most important things you can do to help your business grow. Many people think that all they need to do to get business is to go to networking events and hand out their business cards. It's possible, but not...
In coaching, there is an idea called "seed planting." It means that it takes time for people to accept new ideas and suggestions. Some clients jump on a new idea and run with it, while others need a little more time to let the idea grow. For...
When we start something new, it's exciting and we're very motivated and committed. But as time goes on, the initial excitement can fade as the reality of how much work is involved sets in. Even if you aren't as excited about the new change or...
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch" is a phrase you may have heard. Someone older and wiser might say this to you to keep you from getting too far ahead of yourself. As if you bought a new car before you started that new job. Well, you...
People who are average choose to live average lives. It's not because they're not smart, lucky, or attractive enough.
People who live lives of excellence, on the other hand, make good decisions. I'm not saying they never have problems; I'm...
Do other people affect how you feel?
Are you happy or sad when you think about them?
I'm curious. What makes you feel this way about them?
"Hey, here's a tin of sadness," do they say?
Or maybe they say, "Oh,...
The basics of setting goals are not a secret. Top-level athletes, successful businesspeople and businesswomen, and people who have done well in other fields all know them. Setting goals gives you motivation and focus for both the short term and...