Even though you have to take the baby to the doctor so he or she can be checked out, there are other things you can do at home to help ease the pain of simple colic. If you know for sure that the baby only has simple colic, all you have to do is be patient and try these easy home remedies:
- Try to calm the baby down and make him or her feel better by massaging him or her. Massage has been shown to be an effective way to ease different kinds of pain over the years. Because of this, there are now a lot of ways to get rid of colic that you can find on the Internet or in books that you can buy at many bookstores.
Most of the movements and techniques in these series of massages are easy to learn and use. Even though these techniques don't directly treat the main cause of colic, they can help a lot to make the child feel better by making him or her feel less pain.
If the massage is done right, it can even encourage regular bowel movements and the release of gas, which will help stop painful cramping.
- Herbal tea could be a simple way to treat colic. Even though herbal medicines are amazing, many parents don't know that they can be used to treat simple colic. By giving babies up to four ounces of herbal tea every day, you can ease the pain and discomfort caused by the condition.
Depending on what your doctor says, you can even give your child more herbal tea. Parents who have used herbal tea to treat colic at home say that chamomile, ginger, catnip, and peppermint are some of the best herbs for colic. In general, these are safe for your child, but make sure you don't give them instead of meals so they don't get too little food.
- Vacuum cleaners are amazing. When a baby with colic starts crying, try turning on the vacuum cleaner. You will notice that the baby's attention will move from his or her stomach to the sound made by the cleaner.
- Boil a thick slice of onion, put it in an old bottle that has been cleaned, and give it to your baby to drink.
- Burping is a great thing to try. In fact, burping is one of the best home remedies for colic that people don't think about. Experts say that letting your child burp before, after, and during feedings can cut down on the amount of air that goes into his or her stomach and intestines. Try to stop feeding your baby every five minutes to let him or her burp for a minute or two. Then, you can finish the rest of the meal. Since it might make him or her stop eating, the baby won't like it at first, but if you do it often, you can find the best home remedy for your baby's colic.
- Boil Fernel seeds to relieve stomachaches, cramps, and problems with digestion.
- If your baby has colic, give him or her a warm water bottle or any other way to warm him or her up. A simple warm water bottle can help your child feel better if they aren't able to burp. By putting a warm water bottle or other warming device on his or her stomach, you can help the intestines relax and stop cramping. If your baby likes water, you can also give him or her a warm bath.
- See what magic catnip can do. You can ease the pain and discomfort of colic by boiling 1/4 cup of catnip in a kettle of water. Once the catnip has been boiled, you can strain it through cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Before you give it to your child, let it cool down first. If he or she doesn't like the way it tastes, you can add some sugar to it.
Put formula or breast milk in a teaspoon and give it to your child to get the most out of it.