Colic in babies may be something that their parents see all the time. After all, almost everyone gets colic, and once you get used to the crying, screaming, and yelling, it will seem as normal as eating and sleeping.
The same can't be said about a horse with colic. Yes. Even horses can get sick. In fact, this is every horse owner's worst nightmare because it can get very bad if it isn't taken care of right away. Even though some horses improve with therapy and medical care, most will still get worse even after seeing a vet.
Horses will scream and cry, just like babies do when they have colic. That will be fine as long as they don't start pacing and stamping, which could put them and anyone else near them in danger. When horses are in this kind of situation, they could get hurt very badly. They don't know what to do because of the pain, other than try to destroy the whole barn if they can.
What's going on?
Colic is a very common thing. In fact, everyone who likes horses, breeds horses, or rides horses has heard of the term in some way or another. There would have been mentions in horse books and magazines. Colic is an emergency for horses because it causes them pain in their stomachs and makes them act out. They can get really crazy.
There are different kinds of horse colic. The first one is spasmodic colic, which is caused by too much gas. This is the one with less pain. The other type is obstructive colic, which is often caused by blockages in some parts of their body. This can happen when their muscles move out of place or twist.
It can also happen when something gets stuck in the intestines or large colon. This usually needs to be treated, either with oil and a medicine or, in more serious cases, with fluid therapy. One kind of colic is caused by worms, and another kind is caused by eating too much.
What is possible?
As was already said, colic in horses can be very bad. This is because they aren't built like people are. They are not "wired" the same way we are, so we can do some things that they can't. Here are a few examples.
Building it up
Because horses can't handle the pressure in their bellies. They can't throw up like people can. The pressure will then be kept inside, where it will build up over time. This will lead to distention, which will need to be released.
Not possible in the body
Horses are made up of small body parts. There are tight spots in their bodies, especially in their digestive systems, that can cause problems.
Backward movements
Their digestive systems also work in a backwards way, which can make the condition worse when an obstruction happens.
The path their blood takes is so long and narrow that people can get hit by it. It also has a lot of turns and twists, so it's not too surprising that they can get blocked. When this happens, the horse can die because the blood won't flow and the heart won't get any oxygen.
Horses are very sensitive to bacteria, especially those that go into their intestines. The balance of bacteria in their bodies is so delicate that even small changes in what they eat or what supplements they take can cause problems.