One of the most common problems babies have is colic. In fact, it happens so often that you will be ready for it even before it happens because it is a major topic in all of the baby books on your shelf.
Colic can start as early as two or three weeks old and is at its worst around two months. After that, symptoms and episodes will get less and less until there are no more by the fourth month.
So far, doctors haven't been able to figure out what exactly causes colic. It just happens to babies, and there is no real reason for it. But there are a lot of things that could cause or make a colic episode worse. Here are a few examples.
Cow's milk allergy or milk powder allergy
Lactose intolerance
Allergies to foods that the mother eats and that the baby gets through breastmilk
Gas in the intestines is getting worse because of foods like broccoli, onions, and beans that make gas in the stomach.
Underdeveloped digestive system, which can lead to stomach cramps.
Your baby's body will go through changes in hormones.
Anxiety in the mother and depression after giving birth
Too much food for the baby
Often, the only sign parents get is a baby who cries nonstop for an hour or even up to five hours. This can be really hard for parents to deal with, especially if their babies don't usually cry that much. When a baby has colic for the first time, it can be scary for first-time parents because they don't know why their little angel is crying so hard.
There are many things that can make someone cry. This is why it is important for parents to know the other signs and symptoms of colic in babies before they panic or, in some cases, don't panic.
Crying fits that can be predicted
Even though this won't be clear at first, a baby who is colicky will cry at certain times of the day. This can happen during the day or at night, and it often happens after eating. About the same time every day, these episodes will happen again. They can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. It can happen once a week, or it can happen every day of the week. It really depends on the baby, and since no one knows what causes it, parents have to be patient and wait to see if an episode will happen that day.
Gaseous condition
Some experts say that colic is caused by too much gas in the stomach, which makes the stomach hurt. Near the end of an episode, babies often have to go to the bathroom or pass gas. This will make the problem go away.
How the legs and arms are placed
Babies with colic show their pain by pulling their legs up to their bellies and squeezing them in. Their hands will also close into fists, and the muscles in their stomachs will get stronger. Some babies who can't handle the pain will act really crazy and throw things around. Their screams and wails will get louder and louder.
Crying madly
This is one of the main things that babies with colic do. Most parents think that when their babies cry, it's either because they're hungry or because they have colic. The cries of a child with colic are loud and strong. A weak and sickly cry has no place. Their cheeks will get red from the effort, and they will be hard to calm down.