The name aikido is formed by the combination of three characters in the Japanese language. Ai means "to join," Ki means "spirit," and do means "the way." The essence of aikido as a form of martial arts can be summed up in these three words:...
Aikido is the modern Japanese martial art. It was made by Morihei Ueshiba, who is said to have been influenced by Omoto-kyo, from the 1920s to the 1960s. People say that the most important thing about Omoto-kyo, also known as the "art of peace,"...
Aikido is a modern martial art that was started by Morihei Ueshiba, who was a member of the Omoto-kyo religion. This religion influenced the spirituality and philosophy of Aikido. The word "Aikido" is made up of three Japanese characters. "Ai"...
Aikido is its own kind of martial art. Its main focus is on making the mind and body work together in harmony with the laws of nature. Aikido is all about accepting and respecting the energy of life and nature and putting that energy into...
Aikido has its own uniforms, just like all other sports and martial arts. The aikidogi, which is the aikido uniform, is similar to the keikogi, which is the uniform used in most martial arts. Keikogi is a word for the clothes you wear to...
Aikido is a type of martial arts that is sometimes called "modern Japanese budo." The focus of this martial art is on the spiritual and philosophical growth of each person. "Aikido" means "The Way of Harmony with the Spirit" in Japanese. It is...
Traditionally, martial art systems were made as written records of how people trained for battle in the past. It makes sense that its main uses in modern times are for self-defense, exercise, and physical fitness. One type of martial arts,...
Aikido is one of the traditional martial arts that uses both the body and the mind. It emphasises not only the use of physical skills, but also the spirituality of the people who practise it and those who want to learn it.
Aikido is a...
Aikido is one of the world's oldest and most popular forms of martial arts. It has been taught for hundreds of years as a way to protect yourself and defend yourself. It's also a way for people to find balance and centre themselves in their...
Aikido means "The Way of Harmony with the Spirit." It is a type of martial art that doesn't use violence. But don't be tricked. When done right, Aikido is a very powerful martial art that can often block and neutralise strong attacks and respond...