What's the real problem with getting things in order?
We have too many things.
I'm willing to bet that you or someone you live with keeps some things that don't make sense.
So why do we hold on to so much?
It's easier to find reasons why you should keep something and put off making a decision than to make a firm (and sometimes hard) decision to get rid of your "stuff."
Here are my four favourite reasons why I can't...
"I could use it one day."
Yes, it's possible. But most of the things we keep are easy to find or can be replaced within a day or two. Many men, including my dad, keep every screw and nail ever made and store them like a squirrel stores nuts.
But what ends up happening is that these little things pile up and make it harder and harder to find that little screw. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
- "I'm going to lose some weight and put this back in my closet."
If you want to lose weight, I hope you'll do everything you can to make it happen. And when you do, I'll tell you it's okay to go find a sale and buy some new clothes. You should be proud of yourself, and now is a great time to treat yourself.
"This was given to me by so-and-so."
I think it's great to keep things that remind us of the people we love.
But the truth is that the knickknacks and "stuff" you have shoved in a box are not where your memories are.
I won't tell you to get rid of everything, and it isn't always easy to decide what to do. But try to keep only the things you really care about.
Put them out where everyone can see them so you can enjoy them and have a story to tell when someone comments or asks about them.
- This "thing!" cost me a lot of money.
I'm sure you did. But the question is, which is worth more: this "thing" you no longer need or the way you use your house? The thing...or your joy? The thing...or your room?
- I'm just trying to figure out what to do with it...
Okay, so maybe you shouldn't hold on to it.
See, if you have to think that hard about what to do with something, you can probably guess that it may not be as valuable to you as you think.
You probably won't miss something too much if you can't figure out what to do with it.
Your home, your friends, and your family are much more valuable than the "stuff" you bought.