People often look for happiness in other people rather than in themselves. Many people think that money, a better job, better relationships, and other things like that will make them happy. In reality, you have to look inside yourself and learn to be your own best friend to find true happiness. That means you have to trust, love, and take care of yourself just as much as you do the people you consider close to you.
Here are some things you can do in your life that will help you feel more confident and happy with yourself.
Start building yourself up instead of putting yourself down. If there's something about yourself you don't like, try to change it. If you can't change something, just take it as it is. Don't be mean to yourself by telling yourself bad things. If all you think about is bad things, you're not likely to change for the better.
Give yourself rewards that are good. Give yourself a small reward when you do something you're proud of. Try not to wait for other people to praise you, because if they don't, you might get angry. When you pat yourself on the back, you feel great, and that feeling can last for a long time.
Give yourself a break. You probably wouldn't keep telling a child they did something wrong over and over again, so don't do that to yourself. When you make a mistake, you should forgive yourself. Then, try to figure out what you can learn from what happened and use that to make better decisions the next time.
Enjoy your successes. Most people can remember every sad, painful, or even embarrassing thing that happened to them a long time ago. What would happen if you did the same thing after each win? Try to remember all the things you've done well and all the victories you've won, and think about them at least once a week.
Always remember to praise yourself for what you do well. You'll soon find out that the more you love yourself, the more you can love others, and the more others can love you.