When I was a little boy and woke up, I was filled with excitement for the day's adventures. I would look out the window and see the bright sun, the hay fields, the wide blue sky, and the magical clouds. Once I was outside and had nothing to do, I would skip, jump, hop, and run with joy, wonder, and excitement. I started to remember and learn about cause and effect at some point. All of a sudden, there were some limits. As I got older and grew up, I learned to think for myself and use critical thinking in situations that might or might not happen. I was making a new reality based on what I knew and what I had done before. How terrible!
Now that we have spiritual awareness, which is a new level of consciousness, it's like walking a tightrope between the world we live and work in and the freedom of a child at play. There's more to life than what I've seen so far. We are not just work- and love-trained beasts. We are not just stuck in the suburbs for the rest of our lives. We have always had so much more to choose from. It's everywhere, even in the suburbs, at work, in the everyday, and in the most amazing and boring things. I can only explain what I've found by dancing.
One day hopeful, the next day broke, one day in love, the next day angry, one moment silly, the next moment serious, and one day successful, the next day a failure. We move and change all the time. The only thing that stays the same is the quiet, still place deep inside where spirit connects spirit. We feel it when we are close to our family or our significant others. It is felt in the deepest moment of joy, when all words, all senses, and all understanding are lost. There's nothing left to figure out; all that's left to do is forget.
Every day, we would be wise to forget a lot of what happened the day before. There is no bias, no fear, no limits, and no expectations. There is only wonder. Wonder and curiosity go hand in hand with happiness and love. This really interests me. What would happen tomorrow? How would things work in my world? This idea makes me think that more is out there for everyone. As an idealist, many things I say may seem unattainable. There's no question that this is the best chance. Even though the ideal is beautiful, anything that comes close to it is a good thing. A little bit of salt to spice up every day for a great life. I need to be that grain of salt and dance every day.