One answer to all questions: This, too, will pass.
This method of meditation is quite different from the usual ways to meditate. This method is actually an exercise in thinking about life, or "contemplation." Even though this method can be used by people of any age, it works best for older people (I mean 18 & above). The reason for this is that only people who have lived for a long time can look back on their lives. People who are just starting out in life are less likely (but not impossible) to look at their lives from the point of view that this meditation requires. Still, this method of meditation is very helpful for getting to know our true selves.
First, read this story that will make you think:
Once, a king called his wise men together and asked,
"Is there a mantra or suggestion that works in every situation, no matter what, wherever, and whenever? Something that can help me when no one is around to give me advice. I want to know if there is a mantra.
When King asked a question, all the wise men were stumped. One answer for all question? Something that works everywhere and always? In every happiness and every sadness, in every loss and every win? They kept thinking and thinking. After they talked for a long time, an old man said something that everyone liked. They went to the king and gave him a piece of paper with words on it. But the king couldn't look at it because he was interested. Only when the King is in great danger, when he is alone and there doesn't seem to be any way out, will he have to see it. The papers were put under the King's diamond ring.
After a few days, the Kingdom's neighbours attack. It was a surprise attack by all of King's enemies at once. Even though King and his army fought hard, they lost the battle. King had to take his horse and run away. The bad guys were after him. In Jungle, his horse took him far away. He could hear that many horses were following him, and the noise was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the King found himself at the end of a road that didn't lead anywhere. Underneath, a thousand feet down, there was a rocky valley. If he jumped into it, he would die, and since it was a small road, he couldn't go back. The horses of the enemy could be heard coming up fast from behind. King started to get antsy. There didn't seem to be a way out.
Then, all of a sudden, the diamond in his ring started to shine in the sun, and he remembered the secret message in the ring. He opened the diamond and looked at what it said. The message was tiny but important.
"This, too, will pass," was the message.
It was read by the King. Read it again. Suddenly, he realised, "Yes, this too shall pass." A few days ago, I was having a great time in my kingdom. I was the most powerful King there was. But today, the Kingdom and everything that made him happy are gone. I am hiding here from people who want to hurt me. But when those days of comfort are over, so will this day of danger. His face became calm. He stayed where he was. There was a lot of natural beauty where he was standing. He had no idea that a place so beautiful was also part of his Kingdom. The message coming to him had a big effect on him. He calmed down and forgot about the people who were after him. After a few minutes, he noticed that the horses and the enemy were making less noise. They went to a different part of the mountains and weren't on that path anymore.
The King had a lot of courage. He put his army back together and went to war again. He beat the enemy and got his empire back. When he got back to his empire after winning, there was a big celebration at the door. Everyone in the capital was happy about the victory. People were all in a happy mood. King was getting flowers from every house and every corner. Everyone was singing and dancing. King thought for a moment, "I am one of the bravest and best kings." It won't be easy to beat me. With all the attention and praise, he could feel his ego growing.
The diamond in his ring suddenly sparkled in the sun, reminding him of the message. "This, too, will pass," he read it again.
He stopped talking. His face went through a complete change. He went from being very proud to being very humble.
If this too will go away, it is not your problem.
The loss wasn't yours, and the win isn't yours, either.
You're just there to watch. Everything comes and goes.
We are here to see all of this. We are the ones who see. Life goes on and on. Happiness isn't always there. Pain comes and goes.
Now that you've finished reading this story, sit quietly and think about your own life. Even this will end. Think about the times you've been happy and won. Think about when Sorrow and defeat happened. Are they here to stay. All of them come and go. Life just goes on and on.
In the past, there were friends. Everyone has left.
Today, there are friends. They will also leave.
Tomorrow, there will be new friends. They will also leave.
In the past, there were foes. They've left.
There might be a foe in the present. They will also leave.
Tomorrow, there will be new enemies, but they, too, will leave.
In this world, nothing stays the same. Except for the law of change, everything else changes. Think about it from your point of view. You've seen everything change. You have been through every setback, loss, and sadness. All of them have died. Even if there are problems now, they will go away. Because nothing ever stays the same. Both happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. Both of them will die. Who are you deep down? Know your true self. Your face is not your true face. It will change as time goes on. But there's something about you that won't change. It will stay the same. What can't change about that? It's just you being yourself.
You just see how things change. Experience it, understand it.
Every day, sit quietly for 10–15 minutes. Think about the phrase "This too shall pass." If you think about your own life, you'll understand what this sentence really means. Even though everything changes, who you really are stays the same. That true you is who you really are. True meditation is getting to know oneself.