For people who want to watch their weight, the holidays can be a very stressful time. But there is good news: most people don't gain as much as they might think during that time. But the bad news is that the weight you gain over the holidays is a gift you don't want and can't return.
Researchers from the National Institutes of Health and the Medical University of South Carolina looked at 195 people and found that 85 percent of them still had not lost that extra weight after almost a year. That means that even if you only gain two pounds over the holidays, if you do that every year for five years, you'll be 10 pounds heavier. The study also found that people who were already overweight or obese gained the most weight during the holiday study.
Don't worry, you don't have to go into hibernation during the holidays to avoid putting on weight. There are reasonable ways to change your habits so you can still have fun without joining the unofficial club of people who gain weight during the holidays.
Try to get five a day. Make sure you eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. They have a lot more nutrients than most other foods and a lot less calories. Plus, they help you feel full because they are often high in fibre. So, promise yourself that you'll eat your five-a-day before you eat any holiday "goodies."
Allow some treats, but don't go overboard. Allow yourself one cookie or one piece of cake a day, if possible. But don't say any more. That doesn't mean you have to have a treat every day, and it also doesn't mean you can eat two servings one day just because you didn't have any the day before. Don't go over the line. And keep in mind that even one treat a day might mean you need to cut back on calories somewhere else or burn more.
Give yourself a present early. Make it a goal to do something physical every day, even if it's just a short walk. Exercise is one of the most important ways to both keep from gaining weight and lose weight. Mark your workout times on your calendar and don't let anything get in the way of them. The best gift you can give is to take care of yourself.
Lessen the time you spend in the kitchen. Many people enjoy cooking and baking for the holidays, but is it really necessary to make dozens of the most high-calorie desserts? Try to find healthier ways to bake and cook that still allow you to spend time in the kitchen with your family and friends.
Keep the big picture in mind. Even if you eat too much at one meal, it won't cause you to gain weight for good. But if you use that as an excuse and say, "Well, I've already ruined my day," it could start a snowball effect. Don't let it stop you from working out that day or the next, and don't use it as an excuse to eat too much all day.
Don't take on more than you can handle. It's easy to get caught up in the chaos. You might get offers for business parties, family get-togethers, get-togethers with neighbours, school events, and so on. Some of them are okay to turn down. It's easy to feel stressed if you say yes to too many things. And stress often makes people choose bad foods and stop working out. Not to mention that some studies have shown that stress can cause people to gain weight.
Go back to the end of the line. Let other people go to the food table first at a party with a buffet. Before you get your plate, it's likely that many of the most tempting (and calorie-dense) foods will be gone. This will take away some of your temptations.