In an ideal world, once you get people to visit your site, it will stay popular. Most people who use the Internet are looking for information that is useful. This could be about money, news, products, jobs, etc. So, it's very important to make sure that the content on your website is high-quality and accurate (to the best of your knowledge, lying will only come back to bite you in the butt). So, ask yourself: Does this information give my visitors what they are looking for or solve a problem? Also, do I tell them about other useful information or places they can go to find more free information? Search engines love free information just as much as people do. To get free traffic to your site, try offering a free subscription, e-book, or newsletter. Its sites get repeat visitors AND new ones from people who heard about them. Also, it's important to put keywords on your site. This will help you get higher rankings in the search engines. Here's why: when you type keywords into search engines, they send out "spiders," which are programmes that crawl across the web and automatically index pages with the listed keywords on them. So, the more words you have that relate to the search, the better. Also, don't use too many meta-tags. They can help people find your site, but most search engines use them to spot possible abuse, and if abuse is found, the search engine will punish you. Lastly, try to include information about other topics or sub-topics on your site. For example, if your site is about giving piano lessons, you might want to include information about where people can go online to find pianos or sheet music. If you already have a business and want to grow it online, a good SEO company is your best bet. This is especially true if you want your site to be in the top 20 of the search engines, which will increase your visibility, conversion rate, and profits.