So what really makes people snore. When there is only one cause, this may be a hard question to answer. In fact, there are a lot of small things that all add up to the main cause of the problem.
Medically, snoring is a sound made by vibrations in the airways of the respiratory system that only happen when a person is sleeping.
The big question here is why we only snore when we're sleeping or otherwise relaxed.
Well, we breathe all the time, but it's not likely that anyone snores when they're awake. This is because you can only snore when your muscles are relaxed.
During sleep, all of our muscles that we can control loosen up. In the same way that the triceps relax when we sleep, so does the throat. The fact that the throat's tissues are soft adds to the vibrating sounds that are made.
Once this tissue moves out of the way, the airway will get smaller. As you can see, tighter passages make louder noise because there is more room for friction, which causes the vibrations.
People also say that these same things explain why snoring sounds vary in volume, pitch, and tone.
How loudly you snore depends on how hard the wind is blowing through your airways. So, when the wind is blowing faster, the snore is usually louder and has more bass. This explains why babies are also able to snore. But most people don't think of them as snoring because they only make soft sounds that come from their breathing. But you should never ignore this because it could be the first sign that something is blocking your child's airway.
But this condition is more common in men than in women, and middle-aged men are most likely to have it. It can happen to both men and women at any age.
This is because men's necks are a bit wider than women's, so they have more flesh on them. When this is added to the speed of air, the most likely result is snoring.
Women, on the other hand, naturally make progesterone hormones. This is known to stop people from snoring, so they are less likely to be annoyed by the sounds. Some anti-snoring devices are made with progesterone as their main ingredient because this hormone helps people stop snoring at night.
Some people think that snoring is caused by the way people live and their health. These things are:
Allergies that make it hard to breathe.
Several things, like allergy medicine, can cause the nasal passages to dry out.
This is why some people only snore when they are sick with a cold or the flu.
- Drinking too much alcohol.
Tissues along the nasal passage get thicker. Surgery for conditions that aren't directly related to snoring can sometimes make snoring worse and make it happen more often.
- An unusually big stomach or gut.
Too much use of nasal sprays can irritate the airways.
The tonsils or adenoids get bigger than they should.
- Smoking, which irritates the airways and makes them swell up.
The thyroid gland gets bigger, which is called a goitre.
The airflow is blocked because of the large tongue.
Medications that make you feel calm
- Obesity
Ineffective control of the nasal membranes by the brain.