Shrugged shoulders This is what most men think when their significant other talks about menopause. Maybe the reaction can be explained by the fact that it's hard to understand something you haven't lived through.
What about men who go through menopause? Will they start to understand what a woman goes through during menopause?
It could be a clear yes or no. Menopause is something that both men and women go through, according to medical studies. The word for this is andropause, which is short for "male menopause." Menopause is also known as viropause. This is what low testosterone levels are said to be caused by. Some people see it as the end of first adulthood and the start of second adulthood. Some people, on the other hand, see andropause in a sexual way, as a sign that sexual desire and performance are getting worse.
Men might be scared by this fact. Maybe then they'll start to understand and later feel what it's like to have big changes in hormones. For women, menopause has clear signs and symptoms, such as the end of menstruation, hot flashes that show up on the face, chest, and neck, too much sweating, dryness in the vagina, a pounding heartbeat, body aches, itchy skin, and more hair growth on the face but less hair growth on the armpits and pubic area.
On the other hand, the most clear-cut sign of male menopause is the drop in testosterone production. This can be checked for and found with the help of a doctor, since a drop in testosterone can also be a sign of other illnesses like diabetes. Once the level of testosterone has gone down, the following signs may become clear:
- I'm emotionally worn out. Men's moods change at this time. He might be happy right now, but then he might feel sad. Aside from being sad, he may show anger most of the time. Also, a man going through male menopause is often seen as always being nervous.
- Mental fatigue. Less concentration is possible. He might need time to think about what is being said in a conversation, on paper, or even over the phone.
- Also, the increase in weight and body fat is clear, but no one knows why.
- Decrease in sexual desire. This could be because he can't get or keep an erection.
- Getting tired from doing simple things. The usual alertness and drive to get things done easily go down. Even so, being tired most of the time doesn't help a man sleep better. At this point, he might not be able to sleep.
Men don't need to worry about andropause if they know the facts about male menopause. Also, if he learns about the signs of andropause, he will be able to tell if he is going through it or not. A visit to a doctor is highly recommended to find out more about the condition.
Men will feel less stressed out about the situation if their significant others are there for them. Menopause is a time when both men and women need more support, love, and understanding than usual.
Now that there is a male version of menopause, maybe the person who comes after Adam will be able to understand what is going on in a woman's body when she starts to go through menopause. Now, maybe no one will shrug their shoulders any more. Instead, there will be someone to lean on when things are hard, like when you are going through andropause.