An old man is walking down the road when all of a sudden a frog jumps out at him. The frog says, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful maiden." After hearing what the frog said, the man quickly picks it up and puts it in his purse. "Why didn't you kiss me?" asked the frog, who was very confused. But the man says, "I'd rather have a talking frog in my pocket."
This story is like a satire in that it is about an old man who isn't sure about his sexuality. Some studies show that men between the ages of 50 and 60 are already unable to work for a number of reasons. And this is often linked to the menopause in men.
Today, about 18 million men in the United States are having trouble with their sexual potency because their testosterone levels are going down.
Also, this problem, which is often called the "midlife crisis" for older men, doesn't just affect their sexual potency. It also affects their mood and their ability to keep going, which is similar to how women feel when they reach menopause.
Specialists say that men going through menopause can have a number of symptoms, such as being tired and grumpy a lot, having less sex drive, not enjoying life as much, having weaker erections, falling asleep right after dinner, getting worse at sports over time, losing strength and stamina, and having less energy.
If a man over the age of 50 has three of the symptoms listed, it's possible that he already has low testosterone syndrome.
Statistical studies also show the effects that can come from a drop in testosterone levels. These include:
- Lowered libido, which means less desire to have sex and more sexual thoughts #!#
Lessening of muscle mass!
Lessen the level of memory!
# Rise in heart problems
Women often think that men won't go through anything like what they will as they get older. But all of these facts about menopause show that women and men will have similar experiences in their later years.
People often focus on the differences between menopause in men and women, and they tend to forget about the similarities. For example, both men and women go through mood swings, anxiety, bad temper, neck and back pain, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, low self-esteem, the feeling of gaining weight, and it takes longer to recover from illness or injury.
Men go through some changes in their ability to reproduce, but unlike women, they don't lose their ability to do so. But because men are thought to be good at sex, many of these men would rather keep the talking frog in their purse and ignore the fact that it can turn into a beautiful maiden than let the symptoms of male menopause hurt their sexuality.
Men who are going through menopause are tired, but they don't show it. Instead, they keep quiet, but inside they are howling.