When men reach their late 40s or early 50s, they may feel like they are going through a "mid-life crisis." They tend to get depressed, become self-conscious about how they look, and lose interest in sex.
This condition is also called "male menopause." It happens when a man's testosterone level drops, which makes them sad, irritable, and tired all the time. It also makes them less interested in sex. Some men lose their ability to have sexual relations at this age.
This is why Marty Sacks and Jack Davis wrote the self-help book Male Menpaws: The Silent Howl to help men all over the world get through their mid-life crises. This book is meant to teach men how to deal with the problems they face when they reach middle age.
This book also has pictures of "gentleman dogs" that show funny ways to deal with the problems that middle-aged men face in today's society. If you are a woman, this book would make a great gift for your husband who is about to reach or has already reached an age where he often feels sad. This book will tell him in a gentle way about the facts of life and how you make your own life.
This book tells men in a gentle way how hard change can be, and it also tells them how to deal with it. This book will tell them to stop whining and move on with their lives in a funny way to help men understand.
Changes in life can be hard, and that's a fact. It can happen to both men and women, and the changes in their bodies and emotions are unavoidable. They should learn to accept these changes so they can deal with them better.
The Male Menopaws: The Silent Howl tells you everything you need to know about the truth about getting older and how to get through the mid-life crisis. Here, men will learn how to make the most of it, and they will also find out more about themselves.
It's a fact that most men won't want to accept that they're getting older every day. This book will help them accept and be proud of that fact.
So, if you have a friend going through a mid-life crisis or a spouse going through a mid-life crisis, you should try to buy this book for them. You should think about the fact that they probably won't buy this book any time soon. So, it would be a great idea to give them this book as a present.
They will definitely enjoy reading it, and it will also show them that being middle-aged isn't all that bad. You'll notice that after they've read this book, they'll be more grown-up and more comfortable with who they are.
This book is a must-read for any man going through the dreaded mid-life crisis, a time when men often feel down and worried about how they look. With this book, they'll feel better about themselves and be able to deal with getting older better.