You don't know what went wrong. As soon as you get your bill, you pay off your credit card debt. You always pay your rent on time. You've been giving your car dealer a check on time every time. So, why are brokers and lenders only willing to give...
Loans for businesses aren't always easy to get, and minorities may have an even harder time. Many communities and government agencies have set up programmes to help minorities get a small business loan when they need one, but the minority still...
A recent survey found that nearly 40% of women between the ages of 30 and 55 worry that they won't be able to save enough for retirement and will spend their retirement years at or near the poverty level.
The National Women's 2005...
Women often think that getting small business loans is a difficult, time-consuming, and painful process. But the truth is not at all like that. To get a loan, a businesswoman will have to spend about the same amount of time and work as a...
Auto insurance for women has been all over the Internet and TV lately. There is a new group of insurance companies, like Sheila's Wheels and Cover Girl, that only sell car insurance to women. They say that it costs less to insure women drivers,...
Hurricanes are a real pain. Even if they don't get to you, they still put your safety net in danger. Florida made it through Mother Nature's attack last year, so we are a little braver this year. Not a lot, but some. I'd like to meet the person...
What a gift you will give yourself and everyone around you if you are committed and willing to go to extremes to take care of yourself during a divorce. A divorce is the end of a marriage, and even in the simplest, least complicated situations,...
Many men find it hard and awkward to strike up a conversation with a woman, especially if she's a stranger and very attractive. Aside from that, they often make the mistake of being too nice and too generous with flowers, paying for dinners, and...
More and more people are dating online. People used to look for dates through their friends, but now they can look for dates online. Online dating can be hard in different ways, but once you learn how to do it well, you can find your dream date....
Let's talk about the winners and losers in love and how to get women to like you.
Do you know what makes the guys who win different from the guys who lose? Guys who are good with women do things that losers don't want to do to meet,...