Do you wish that at the end of the month, you didn't have to worry about your bills? Would you like to spend more of your vacations with the people you love? Wouldn't it be nice to know that your financial future is safe and that you don't have...
There is a new show on the History channel called "Gangland." It talks about the history and ways of different gangs, such as the Arian Brotherhood, La Eme, the Hells Angels, and the Mongol Nation, to name a few. Many of these gangs are "blood...
ARTICLE: How to pick the perfect cult member with math
In the book "Geek Logic" by Garth Sundem, a list of formulas for making decisions has been made.
It's a lot of fun because it takes away emotions from decisions that SHOULD be...
"Even though I take classes, read books, and listen to CDs, I still don't have the life I want and am unhappy with the one I have. How can I live the kind of life I want?"
This is a problem that comes up surprisingly often. People who go...
Do other people affect how you feel?
Are you happy or sad when you think about them?
I'm curious. What makes you feel this way about them?
"Hey, here's a tin of sadness," do they say?
Or maybe they say, "Oh,...
Did you know that "pattern interrupts" are a hypnotist's secret way to get into someone's unconscious mind?
In fact, they're so powerful that a man used them to steal from a lot of people many years ago. He was caught and sent to...
How do you determine if you're under mind control?
It's a fun question that you can ask your friends or people at a party.
The truth is that you have no idea. In fact, everything you do could be someone else's response that fits...
When legendary US TV reporter Barbara Walters interviewed Oprah Winfrey, she asked her, "Why do you put yourself on the line week after week, year after year, on the cutting edge of human emotion?" Oprah replied "Teaching people how to behave...
What if you could use technology to meditate like a Zen Buddhist monk? Think about all the good things that would happen if you could go into a deep state of meditation without trying. Can you think of anything you'd like to teach yourself while...