One thing is certain.
I know this with my whole heart, my whole soul, and my whole being.
I know I can decide who I am, when I am, and where I am.
I might not be able to choose what I do for a living, where I live, or...
If we choose to see it that way, life is great. There is a great beauty inside my sadness. My emotions, my wants, and my longings are all parts of a magical journey that I am on. There is magic in every part of our lives. How we end up in the...
By Paula Picard: A Great Teacher
A good teacher always leaves behind knowledge. They give you new knowledge and understanding that you didn't have before.
Great teachers don't always let people know they're there. Sometimes the...
If you own or run a business and want it to last a long time, you need to spend a lot of time coming up with new ideas. That's because, in a world where things change quickly and people expect things to get better and cheaper, innovation is the...
Are you in charge of what happens to you?
As you read these words, you may be thinking about and looking for ways to make your life feel more complete, successful, and happy.
Some people seem to do well in relationships, business,...
When we're in the creative zone, our minds can be so full of colours, sounds, words, and images that we forget we have a body. But when unhealthy habits drain your body of energy and strength, they also drain your creativity and...
Before we talk about how to be more creative, let's talk about some real problems that people seem to have when they want to be more creative. See if any of these apply to you and your life.
Not enough time. It's not as big of a deal...