It took me a long time to understand how thinking positively can help. I used to think it was strange when people told me that if you think positive, good things will happen to you. I think they were right now, and this article tells me why.
I felt sorry for myself a lot as I grew up, especially when I was a teenager and had a hard time. I used to think I was the unluckiest person in the world. I had a bald spot on my head the size of a ten pence piece, a stutter, was overweight to the point of being fat, and was short for a boy (5ft4).
I thought that people made fun of me more than anyone else, and life was definitely hard for me. It's not easy to meet people of the opposite sex if you lack confidence and have trouble speaking. It was hard for me to get a job, order drinks, and get along with people in general. Everyone else seemed to go through life with ease and grace.
One day at work, a coworker who was about 30 years older than me said that I was a very sad person. I didn't agree with him, and I was surprised because I thought most people worried and stressed out about things. He went on to say that I always had a bad attitude about most things, was always complaining about something, and hardly ever smiled. He went on to say that he used to be just like me—always sad, angry, and stressed—until he was thirty and got some advice. He then went on to tell me the same thing.
When you are sad, depressed, or feeling sorry for yourself, watch the news or read the newspaper. You will see that there are many people who have it worse than you do, and that you are actually one of the lucky ones.
I thought about what he said and started to do what he said. I now understand how stupid I was. I am one of the lucky ones because I was born and live in the UK.