These days, it is not too hard to get a credit card. In fact, you don't have to do much to find out about the offers that are out there. They come to your door or email automatically. But you might not need or want what these companies are offering. Here are some tips on how to evaluate a credit card offer and get the credit card you want.
The first thing you'll want to do is check to see if it's the right kind. Keep in mind that just because it's a credit card doesn't mean it will help you very much. The one that will help you the most is the one that gives you the most cash back on the things you spend the most money on every month. So, if you take a lot of plane trips every month, you want one that gives you a lot of air miles points, as well as points for hotels and restaurants. Once you've decided, you can move on to the other things.
Next, look at the introductory offer and write down what it says it will do. In general, there are two parts to the offer. The first one is about the things you buy over and over again. Most cards will now give you purchases with 0% APR interest. But the time frame will be different from one card to the next. This time period can last from three to fifteen months.
Balance transfers will also be possible with the welcome offer. Check when you'll be able to do this. Some credit cards only let you transfer money when you apply for them, while others may only let you do it for a couple of months. Then, make sure to look at how long you will get 0% APR interest on the transfer and find out if there is a fee or not.
You should also pay attention to the interest rate on the credit card. A rate that is lower is better. On the average card, 9.99 percent is about as low as you can go. If you own a business and get a business credit card, you can get one that doesn't charge interest but has an annual fee. This could save you a lot of money in the long run, since the fee is usually waived for the first year and the interest you pay on a balance could easily be more than the annual fee, which is usually around $125.
Also, pay attention to any rewards or discounts that come with the card. These can make the deal a lot better. Choose the one with the most. Some credit cards only give you points on certain purchases, while others give you points on almost everything, but they do it in a different way. For example, when you use some credit cards to pay for food, gas, or medicine, you usually get one to three percent back. You want to do that. Before you decide on a credit card, make sure you compare.