There are many ways to get credit cards with the lowest rates, but most of them require you to fix your credit. This is based on the idea that your credit isn't very good, which is true for a lot of people. There are a lot of credit card...
If you still owe money on your credit card, you're not the only one. Almost 70% of Americans carry a balance from one month to the next on at least one of their credit cards. Many of these cards have sky-high interest rates that add up to a lot...
A credit card with low or even no interest sounds like a good deal. Who wouldn't want to borrow money and pay it back whenever they want without having to pay a "penalty"? But bee poop is often added to things that sound like honey.
It is...
More and more people are using credit cards, and it's hard to know which one is best for you. You can be sure to get the most out of your credit card if you follow a few simple rules. High-interest cards can end up costing you more than you want...
Is it better to get a line of credit or a loan when you need cash? The answer mostly depends on how responsible you are and what you want to do with the money. A traditional loan is the best choice if you want to make fixed payments over a set...
If you're not disciplined, it can be hard to keep track of your credit card spending, but it's important to do so if you don't want to get into a lot of debt. If you have trouble keeping track of how much you spend on your credit cards, here are...
If you shop online or do your banking online, you may already know about HTTPS protocols and how they keep your information safe. But if you are new to shopping or banking online, you should know about HTTPS and how to keep your credit card...
We've all heard stories about identity theft that are meant to warn us. Then why do so many people think it won't happen to them?
Too often, it does happen. Credit card holders are more likely to have their information stolen than other...
Right comes with responsibility. This rule is also true for credit cards used by college students. These small pieces of plastic look like they won't cause any trouble, but they do. When you're in college, you spend a lot of time studying and...
You should look at what each credit card company or bank has to offer before you choose one. If you get a credit card offer in the mail, you should look up more information about it on the Internet. You should also read the fine print to see if...