If you're not disciplined, it can be hard to keep track of your credit card spending, but it's important to do so if you don't want to get into a lot of debt. If you have trouble keeping track of how much you spend on your credit cards, here are...
If you shop online or do your banking online, you may already know about HTTPS protocols and how they keep your information safe. But if you are new to shopping or banking online, you should know about HTTPS and how to keep your credit card...
We've all heard stories about identity theft that are meant to warn us. Then why do so many people think it won't happen to them?
Too often, it does happen. Credit card holders are more likely to have their information stolen than other...
When you're trying to decide what new credit card to get, there are a few that offer a low rate balance transfer and low interest for the first however many months if you switch to them. But what does that mean in real life?
Even if you...
Almost every time you buy something, big or small, you need some kind of credit. You'll use some kind of credit whether you're buying a house, a car, or just some appliances or electronics for your home. When you get a loan, there's a good chance...
Few things are as scary as the idea that someone might steal your identity. With just a few numbers and words, a criminal can take over your online and financial life, leaving you with debts you didn't make and ruining your credit. It can take a...
In the last ten years, the credit card business in the UK has grown so much that there are now more than 1,300 credit card companies. Still, once we choose a credit card company in Britain, we rarely change. This is the same as any other time...
Even if you don't have a credit card, you've probably gotten a bunch of letters in the mail telling you that you're "pre-approved" for a great credit card deal. Some of these credit card deals are real, but many of them aren't what they seem to...
As was said in an earlier article, there are two kinds of credit cards: those that require a deposit and those that don't. This article will talk about a few problems with secured credit cards.
What's a secured credit card?
You may have just gotten your first credit card. If so, you might be happy. After all, having a credit card has a lot of good points. Keeping this in mind, if you're not careful, your credit card could become your worst nightmare if you're not...