When we think of superfoods, we usually think of things like spinach, grapes, green tea, and other vegetables and extracts that are mostly listed because of how high their antioxidant levels are. Did you know that blueberries are one of the healthiest and most powerful foods? "Blueberries and acai berries have one of the highest known levels of antioxidants of any food," says Dr. Perricone, one of the world's top skin care experts. Higher than the sum of red wine and green tea. It is full of amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids that your body needs to stay healthy. Whole, fresh blueberries are best, but you can also get pure blueberry juice or a mix of blueberry juice and pomegranate juice at your local grocery store.
Blueberry extract has been used in herbal and medical treatments for thousands of years, so they can be used for many things. Blends of blueberry extracts and other herbs are now used in a lot of skin care products to help the skin heal faster and feel better. Clinical tests have shown that these treatments make skin peels heal faster (especially deeper skin peels like the TCA skin peel). They have also been shown to be very good at reducing scarring when treating wounds and burns, but more research is still needed.
In his best-selling book, The Perricone Prescription, Dr. Perricone says that to take the best care of your skin, you should eat foods like blueberries, acai, pomegranates, and spinach that are high in antioxidants. With their high amounts of antioxidants and nutrients, these foods help fight ageing and can even turn it around. With the right diet full of foods high in antioxidants, wrinkles can almost be stopped in their tracks. When you eat well and take care of your skin, you can get amazing results. A good skin care routine includes a mild cleanser (not soap, which is too harsh and will dry out your skin), a moisturiser with antioxidant extracts, and skin peels to increase exfoliation and reduce oily buildup (which can lead to acne). You should also use a sunscreen with a high SPF.
The best medical schools are looking into extracts with a high percentage of antioxidants, like blueberry, to see if they have anti-cancer properties and could be used to treat cancer. There is evidence from clinical settings that these antioxidant-rich foods do have a big effect on a few types of cancer. In addition to being able to fight cancer, the blueberry has been shown to be good for the nervous system, increase cognitive function and reasoning, and help muscles work better and heal themselves. Dr. Perricone says that blueberries are a superfood like acai and should be a part of everyone's diet for better health, better skin, and longer life.