We all look forward to holidays, no matter how old we are or what we do for a living. They give us a reason to decorate, have parties, and spend money.
Think about a holiday from last year. Did you get any new Christmas decorations? Probably. Did you plan a dinner or party? Likely. Did you buy gifts or take advantage of sales and other special offers? Undoubtedly!
Well, instead of being the one who has to pay for the holidays this year, why not turn the tables and put on your own event? People are especially happy and willing to spend money around the holidays in the fall and winter.
No honest person wants to take advantage of people and their money in a blatant way, but if someone is already ready to buy, why not give them a special deal to take advantage of the season?
Why not have a holiday open house if you have a storefront? These kinds of parties happen more often around Halloween and New Year's, but have you ever thought about having one at your store on July 4? No matter what holiday it is, if you offer free drinks, music, and giveaways, people will come in droves. You'll at least have fun showing other people how to have fun, and you'll probably make a lot of extra sales. If you have to stay open a little later because of a party, why not? After all, it's always the right time to make people happy.
If your business only exists on the Internet, make your website more festive. Try putting up lights, fireworks, or other fun things to make it look more festive. Play some holiday music or give people who stop by free holiday sounds or screen savers (if you do this, you might want to register your download site with search engines to make sure people can find it). People love to use free stuff they find online to decorate their computers at home or at work, so why not join them?
Sending holiday cards to your customers is another great way to use the holidays to market your business. Thank them for their business and wish them a happy holiday. If you can, have them signed by hand to show that you care. Make sure your company logo is on the card somewhere.
Why not buy some nice, cheap tree ornaments or other decorations for Christmas and stamp them with a small version of your company's logo? Give them away for free to people who buy something, or sell them at your counter (or on your website) for an incredibly low price. People tend to keep decorations and add to their collections over time, so your cheap little ornament is sure to make an impression.
Holidays are a great time for your business to show what it can do, whether it's Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, or Ant Farm Harvest. Let people see your kinder, gentler, and happier side, and have a little fun with your promotions. When January comes back around, you'll be glad you did it.