Many students deal with credit card offers, bills, loan offers, spending temptations, and budgets for the first time when they go to college. In a small way, it's like being in the real world, since the student is responsible for all of the...
A recent study by the National Center for Education Statistics shows that half of recent college graduates have student loans, with an average debt of $10,000. College costs rise at twice the rate of inflation on average. With college costs going...
One of the best parts of Greek life is the formal, where members of fraternities and sororities get together to meet each other, make friends, and have fun. Instead of renting a hall, hiring a caterer, setting up bar service, finding a DJ or...
A 100-point scale is used to rate cruise ships. They must keep their health score above 86 out of 100. You can have a great time on your next vacation by going on a cruise ship. If they could, many parents would choose to go on a cruise without...
No matter how close we are to our partner or how much we like and dislike the same things, we will always do little things that "bug" our biggest fan. Too often, these kinds of personal habits aren't talked about until the middle of a fight, when...
Most people think that relationships should bring us happiness and bliss forever. Even though there are happy couples, divorce rates show that most people are not happy after the initial excitement wears off.
Relationships that don't...
What a gift you will give yourself and everyone around you if you are committed and willing to go to extremes to take care of yourself during a divorce. A divorce is the end of a marriage, and even in the simplest, least complicated situations,...
Are you sick of the crowd at the local bar? Are those so-called "happy hours" enough to make you feel like you need to see a therapist? You've almost given up on finding someone to date, right? Then, my friend, you are ready to sign up for a...
More and more people are dating online. People used to look for dates through their friends, but now they can look for dates online. Online dating can be hard in different ways, but once you learn how to do it well, you can find your dream date....
When you've been talking to someone online for a while, you might both decide to meet in person. Online dating can be very helpful, but if you don't get along well in person, you won't be able to move on to something more serious and long-term....