You probably already know that a credit card with no interest can't be beat when you're looking for one. What could be better than not having to pay interest? This is only true for the introductory offer, but it may be better than the interest rate you're already paying on another credit card. Getting the best credit card with 0% APR interest won't be as simple as that, though. Here are a few more things you should look for in a credit card to make it an even better deal.
Interest rates of 0% APR may be used for more than one thing.
When you look at credit card ads and see "0% APR interest credit cards," it could mean more than one thing. It usually refers to the interest rate on the credit card as a whole. During the introductory period, this means that there is no interest charged on a balance. If you don't make the minimum payment on time, there will be late fees.
It can also be used for the balance transfer option, if there is one. This feature of a credit card with 0% APR interest means that you can move outstanding balances from other cards to this one and pay 0% APR interest on those balances. You should pay attention to the time frame, though, because it may be different from the general introductory offer. Also, see if there is a fee for transferring a balance or not. For this service, some cards can charge up to 4%.
Rewards Are Out There
With a credit card with 0% APR interest, you can get almost any kind of reward. So, whether you want air miles, a student card, a credit card for your business, or any other kind of reward, you can find it somewhere. Rewards means that for every dollar you charge to the card, you can get between one and six points.
When you save up enough of these points, you can get cash back or discounts on future purchases. Many cards give you more points toward the purpose of the card (gas card, air miles card, etc.), but many also give you one to three points for every purchase you make at the grocery store, the pharmacy, and the gas station.
Card Offers to Compare
Before you sign up for a credit card with 0% APR interest, you should look around and see which offer may be best for you. There are a lot of offers out there, both in the mail and online, but not all of them are what you really want. Make sure you look at the different fees, and try to find one with the fewest fees possible. If your credit is good, you'll be able to get a good card and better interest rates.
Remember to pay for everything you buy in full and on time each month. This way, you'll be sure to be able to enjoy the benefits without having to worry about fees and charges taking away from them.