If you don't already use a newsletter as part of your internet marketing, you're missing out on the chance to turn potential and current customers into long-term buyers.
Newsletters are a good way to collect the email addresses of interested visitors and turn them into buyers. They are also a great way to stay in touch with your most important contacts, like past customers. How?
When a customer buys from you but you don't send them a newsletter, you're pretty much giving them back to your competitors. Of course, if the service was good and the product was memorable, they might come back. But what if you have a new product that they might want to buy but they don't know about it? What if they forget the address of your website? What if they don't remember you anymore? These things won't happen if you send out a newsletter.
That depends on a number of things. Some businesses get in touch with their subscribers every day, while others only do so a few times a year. What works for you depends a lot on what you are selling, what information you can give them, how often your subscribers want to hear from you, etc.
For many businesses, once a week is a good rule of thumb. If you really think that's all you can do, twice a month. If you send messages to a customer too often, they may unsubscribe or just delete them all the time. When you post less often, you give your competitors a chance to win over a potential customer.
How much do you know about the product or service? Do you know a lot of people? Can you tell them about other products or services they might like?
A long newsletter is not what you need. For some businesses, a sale alert or news about a new service or product can work just as well. For others, a tips format works better. Industry news or topics like "How to..." and "Top 5..." are good ideas, and you should always try to connect your newsletter to your product or service. Sign up for the newsletters of several of your competitors (they will surely be subscribing to yours). Sign up with a free email account to see what they offer their customers.
It's hard to believe how many newsletters there are online. This makes it easy for people to forget which ones are real and which ones are spam.
Keep your format the same so that people will recognise your newsletter. Also, say that the subscriber asked for the information and make sure that EVERY issue has a link to unsubscribe. You have to do this if you don't want to get too many spam reports or complaints.
Your newsletter is the voice of you and your business, and it deserves your time and attention. No other tool can help you build relationships with your customers (and potential customers) like a newsletter can.