Standing Head to Knee Pose is another name for Dandayamana Janushirasana. The main goal of this pose is to keep your balance. When you have a sense of balance, you tend to be a person who is determined from the inside. When you do this asana, you also keep your patience in check. It works best when the mind and body work together. Your life is brought back into balance. Dandayamana Janushirasana helps you keep your mind calm and clear so you can make quick decisions. When anxiety tries to take over, you have to stay calm. It makes you a happy and friendly person. To make it a doable asana, you have to want to learn and improve.
By doing the asana regularly, your agility and flexibility will improve. The asana massages the digestive and reproductive systems, making them work better. It gets rid of a lot of problems with your stomach and digestion. Your sexual life can change for the better if your reproductive system is strong. This asana, when done steadily, helps the pancreas work better. So, it keeps the sugar level steady and gives all diabetic patients a breath of fresh air. Because it makes your memory better, you remember things better. When your blood flows well, your body works better.
The sciatic nerve gets better because of the flexibility. Asanas that are done regularly and correctly can help a lot with acidity and gas problems. It makes your arms and hands stronger, which are very important parts of your body. Your muscles are stretched as far as they can go. If your thigh muscles are bothering you, this asana will help you the most. It tightens the muscles in your stomach, which tones your stomach. It makes your back muscles stronger, which helps you stand up straight. Your biceps and triceps get toned when your muscles get stronger. Your body gets firmer as the muscles in your stomach and thighs get stronger. The muscle tissue that was sagging is no longer there. When you massage your organs, it makes you look good on the outside, which shows on your body. If you did this asana every day, it would make a big difference in your life.
Caution: Before trying any of the asanas in this article or on the site, the reader should take all safety precautions. You should talk to a doctor and a yoga teacher before doing the asanas to avoid any problems. The reader is the only one who is responsible, not the site or the person who wrote it.