When a person is being attacked, they only have a split second to decide whether to avoid the move or block it. It doesn't matter why this happened in the first place; what matters now is stopping it.
In a fight, the person can try to beat the other person down by counterattacking. There is another way that doesn't involve force, and aikido teaches people how to do it.
In the martial art of Aikido, the hands are used to stop an opponent's moves. If you want to learn it, you won't be able to move as quickly as Steven Segal in one of his action movies and still be good at it.
You can't learn this form of martial arts by just watching it on TV or in the movies. Some people even put step-by-step instructions in a magazine, but nothing beats learning from a Sensei.
Before someone can be called a master, they must first learn from a teacher. This means that you have to learn the basic rules from the time you walk into the dojo until the end of class. After falling down on the mat a few times, the person will definitely feel some pain, but this is not done to torture the student.
All of this is part of the training, and the student needs to do it right to move on to more advanced classes.
Knowing when to use it is one of the secrets, since timing is everything. There is some coordination between the hands and eyes, like in sports, but the same force is just sent back to the same person.
Aikido has another secret that has to do with the wrist. To make the technique work and stop the attack, the person needs to be smooth enough to put one hand over the other person.
To do certain moves, you need to have a certain amount of energy. The person will learn different breathing exercises that will speed up and slow down their heart rate, especially when they are in the middle of a fight.
The student should remember that the breathing exercises also help bring together the person's physical and emotional sides.
The most important secret to getting good at aikido is to always do the technique the same way. After a while, the arms will feel heavy, and a certain amount of energy will be used up after a few moves. If you can keep doing the same thing even though it's hard, you can be called a real martial artist.
People can sign up for Tomiki Aikido to see how well they are doing. This competition is put on by several clubs, and the student will be up against some of the best in the country.
Those who do well here can move up to the next level of skill, just like in karate, where a student moves from one belt to the next. Only when a student has studied aikido for many years and learned all of its secrets can they be called a master and even open a dojo.