Most webmasters know that Adsense is a good way to make extra money from advertising. Because of this, most of them use it to go after keywords that pay well. They have lists with them that show what the keywords are, and they have already tried different ways to find them. Even though they put these supposed high-paying keywords on their pages, they aren't making the money they thought they would.
What are they not doing right?
Having the right keywords on the right pages is one thing. But getting people to those pages is a different issue, and it's often the thing that's missing.
The thing is, you need to improve your site's navigation to get people to your pages with high-paying keywords.
Think about how people are using your website for a moment. When someone lands on a certain page, they usually click on another page that sounds interesting. They get there by clicking on other links on the page where they first landed. This is how a site is navigated. It's all about making it easy for people to get around your site. And one way to make the most money from Adsense.
Most websites have links to the menu on every page. The way these links are written is what gets people to click on them and go to another page on that website. Links that say "free" or "download" usually get a lot of attention.
This way of thinking about navigation can also be used to get people to your best-paying pages. Some websites get a lot of traffic from search engines but don't make much money. The trick is to try to use links with clever names to get people off of those pages and onto the ones that make more money. This is a great way to make real money from very cheap clicks.
You need two things before you can test if this style will work for you and your website. Something to track and compare, and some pages on your site that make a lot of money that you want to send people to. One option is to choose a few of the pages you visit most often. This will make sure that you get results quickly.
Now, think of ways to get people who are looking at a certain page to try to click on the link that will take them to your high-earning pages. Think of a catchy way to describe that link. Come up with a unique and interesting way to describe the link. Think of something that people don't usually get to see. That will make them want to try to figure out what that was all about.
You can also use pictures to get the attention of your readers. You can do anything you want to get people to notice your link. If you want your site to be successful, you will do whatever it takes to get there. Just try new things. From the point of view of many Adsense advertisers, there are no written or unwritten rules about what they can write. As long as you don't break the rules of the search engines, you should be good to go.
Also, keep in mind that location, location, location is everything. Once you have the perfect description that gets people's attention, you need to find the best place on your page to put that link to your high-paying page.
There's nothing wrong with going to other websites to see how they make it easy for people to find their way around. "Hot pages" or "Most read" lists are already very common and used too much. Learn about the ones that a lot of websites use and don't try to copy them.
Use different texts on different pages is another way to do it. So, you can see which ones work and which ones don't. Also, try to mix things up. You can put links at the top or at the bottom. This is how you find out which ones get more clicks and which ones people don't care about.
Let's start the tests. Test and keep track of different styles of site navigation until you find the one that works best for your site.