Google AdWords is one of the advertising services that Google offers. The pay-per-click search engine with the most users and the most traffic is AdWords. Google gives advertisers a lot of great tools, like Google Analytics, which works with AdWords to help you figure out which keywords work and which ones you should get rid of. Make sure your Google Adwords ad has the right keywords so you can drive laser-targeted traffic to your site. Using Google Adwords to help increase laser-targeted traffic will be very helpful, as many other companies can attest. The benefits are great, and the cost is mostly worth it.
- Microsoft AdCenter: When it comes to pay-per-click search marketing, Microsoft AdCenter is the new kid on the block, but it's already making a difference. Microsoft adCenter has a lot of great features, like the ability to show your ads only to people who use Live Search and meet your ideal target-market criteria. A $5 sign-up fee makes it easy and quick to join. If you spend $30 a day on search advertising, you can use QuickLaunch and have a Microsoft Media Specialist help you plan, create, run, and analyse your first adCenter campaign.
- Marketing for Yahoo! Search Google's Adwords and Yahoo/Overture both work the same way. In fact, they are so similar that they both use keyword and keyword phrase searches to decide which ads to show for each search. When someone types a keyword or keyword phrase into a search engine to find something, the results are shown on a page. Then, on the right side of the page, you'll see ads that have paid to be shown when you search for certain words and phrases. Sponsored Search, which is Yahoo! Search Marketing's main product, offers sponsored listings in search results on the Web's best portals and search engines. This lets more than 80% of active Internet users see the ads. These include Yahoo, MSN, Excite, CNN, AltaVista, Infospace, ESPN, and many others. Yahoo has two ways for people to sign up: FastTrack and SelfServe. For $199, the FastTrack plan will have a professional look at your website and give you suggestions for good search terms. Yahoo! Search Marketing is the place to advertise your site if you want fast results and are willing to pay top dollar. It's a well-known site with a good reputation. It's a professional site with a great system and a lot of visitors.
- MIVA: After Google Adwords and Yahoo Adcenter, the two best pay-per-click search engines, you're pretty much shooting in the dark. The Miva pay-per-click search engine doesn't convert well at all, even though it's probably one of the cheapest pay-per-click services with good traffic. In reality, Miva Pay Per Click Search Engine and other less well-known pay-per-click services won't help you make many sales, if any at all. The reason for this is that most of the people you want to visit your site come from English-speaking countries. MIVA's pay-per-click search engine is very popular and well-known because it offers cheaper pricing options for the distribution of different pay-per-click vertical and contextual ads. In this case, it is important to note that the MIVA pay-per-click search engine has created two separate networks, the MIVA Core Network and the MIVA Precision Network, to help with the transfer of vertically and contextually focused content.
Enhance is a strong PPC search engine that is on the rise and has good quality control. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is easy and effective to buy through their programme. Enhance has a cool feature called "LogoLink" that you can't find on Google. With LogoLink, you can upload an image that is 80x40 pixels and no bigger than 8KB. Then, your image will be shown next to your PPC ad. The AccuMatch system expands keywords to include plurals, misspellings, and (most importantly) simple phrases. Overall, I'm happy with Enhance Interactive's service and prices, which I've found to be 20–30% less than what a click on the same keyword on Google would cost.