Are you looking for easy and fun ways to do crafts with your kids? If that's the case, I hope you'll use some of the ideas below.
- Use non-toxic paints, glues, etc.
- Keep wet wipes and paper towels close by in case of messes.
- If you don't have everything you need, make a list of the things you need to buy so you don't forget them.
- Put a plastic tablecloth on the surface where you'll be doing your craft.
- Have them wear old clothes so you don't have to worry about them getting dirty.
- Find out what craft the kids want to do and make a list of all the things you will need to do it.
- Show the kids how to do the craft, but let them do it their own way. If you want it to be perfect, you might as well do the craft yourself and skip craft time with the kids. It also makes the kids think that everything has to be perfect and that their best is not good enough. Sometimes little hands need help, but you know you've gone too far when you're the only one left at the craft table.
- Try to keep extra supplies on hand in case something gets lost, torn, etc.
- Have all the supplies ready before you tell your kids it's craft time.
I hope you'll give these ideas for making crafts with your kids a try. Show them how to have fun. They will learn how to be stressed out way too soon on their own.