War might be the last thing anyone would want to live through. There have already been many wars in the world. As students, we have learned about different wars and how people lived during them. War is not a good time for anyone.
Recently, there have been wars in different parts of the world. When we watch war footage on TV, we see that the number of people killed keeps going up and up. Even though almost everyone knows that there are no winners in wars, we still can't seem to get rid of the possibility of going to war.
Someone famous once said, "If we want peace, we have to get ready for war." But as ordinary people, we don't have enough power to make a big difference when there is a war. Most likely, all we could do is get ready in case war breaks out suddenly.
We need to store as much food and water as we can, just like we do when we prepare for natural disasters. The pieces of cloth we could use to cover our mouths and noses and the sunglasses we could wear to protect our eyes from dust caused by bombs and other things are just as important.
On a larger scale, the government that planned to go to war should have set up emergency facilities underground. There would be grain silos and medical supplies in these buildings. Most of the time, civilians and soldiers who have been hurt stay in one of these underground facilities.
In the United States, there are several underground centres in big cities that could be used in case of war. For example, the underground facilities near major railroads are an example of this.
The government should also have equipment like bridges that can be moved by truck, mobile refineries, mobile decontamination services, and water purification systems. Other things, like oil supplies, are usually only available when there is a war.
Of course, the government will have to set up ways for its different civil services to work well together. The police, hospitals, fire departments, and other public services are expected to work together to protect civilians as much as possible. People who are strong and healthy might be asked to go through special training programmes to help protect the rest of the civilians.
War is so big that as individuals and small groups, we can only do so much to stop it. The national government and international security organisations are in charge of most of the preparations. In times of war, as citizens, we will have no choice but to follow where the government tells us to go. For survival, working together is very important.
Getting information out quickly and effectively is probably the best way to get ready for war. People should be given information on how to protect themselves. International authorities who are worried will also be able to use information sharing to their advantage. Both sides will benefit from a large pool of information resources, which will hopefully help them come to an agreement before war breaks out.
Because high technology changes a lot about how wars are fought around the world, it's getting harder and harder to get ready for war. We already have nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that can wipe out an entire continent in just a few minutes. Stone palaces with high walls that used to protect early civilizations from war are no longer enough because of how much damage these weapons can do.