Every year, different parts of the world are messed up by bad weather. Hurricanes are a common occurrence in the coastal areas of the United States. There are snowstorms and blizzards in the north. But there are tornadoes in the continental plains.
Describe a tornado. This is a natural event in which a funnel of spiralling air appears out of nowhere and rips apart everything in its way. Most of them are about 500 metres wide and will disappear almost as quickly as they appeared.
Weather forecasters can't say when this will happen, which is a shame. When one of these comes, people should hide and wait for it to pass, just like they would during a hurricane. Here are some tips that can help you get ready for a tornado emergency before it happens.
- People who live in tornado prone areas should have a silo built a few feet under the ground. Studies have shown that this natural disaster can easily destroy a house, so this is the best place to stay when disaster strikes.
The silo should have a lot of food, water, medicine, and other things that people need. If the house took a direct hit and the insurance company won't pay for the repairs, it will take time to put everything back together.
- If all the lines go down, the community might not have power, water, or a way to talk to the outside world. People will know what's going on outside if they have a portable radio and a set of batteries. This is because emergency workers will also be out to check on the damage.
- The family should also practise for tornadoes so that everyone knows what to do if one comes. Setting a goal like getting into the silo in less than 5 minutes will help everyone get ready for the real thing.
- If the tornado comes out of nowhere, you might not have time to run to the silo. When this happens, the person should find a place to hide until it's safe to come out. Family members who aren't together must go to the place where they are supposed to meet and wait there until the others get there.
- The best way to get back on your feet after this is to always have a hidden stash of money at home or in the bank. Some people call this the emergency fund, and victims will be happy to know that everything will be okay in this case.
- If the parents aren't home when a tornado hits, someone must be chosen to be in charge until the adults return. This person must be ready to handle the situation and make sure everyone stays together until help arrives.
Because tornadoes can happen at any time, it's important to take the tips about how to be ready seriously. It's better to be ready than to be caught off guard and not know what's going on, which could cause someone to get hurt or even die.
If your house is in the path of a tornado, there is no way to get out. Everyone should just stay in the silo until the all-clear signal is given. After that, you should try to get in touch with people who aren't home to make sure they're okay.