Making the choice to move overseas can be very hard. Some people have to move abroad because of their jobs. Some people have to move in order to get ahead in their careers. Some people move because their families want them to. If people want to stay together, someone has to give up something and move. Some people move because they want their lives to be different in some way. Moving to a new country is like getting a new start in life. When people decide to move overseas, they often do so because they want to leave their past mistakes behind.
"He who doesn't know how to look back at where he came from will never get to his destination," says an Asian proverb. Simply put, moving abroad may seem like a chance to start over, but we should never forget where we came from. Some people change who they are when they go abroad. They quickly adapt to the culture of the place they move to. This is not so bad most of the time. But if you forget where you come from, you might repeat the same mistakes you made in the past. Remembering where you came from is like going over all the lessons you've learned in life's great classroom.
Before you decide whether or not to move overseas, you should listen to three voices:
a) Your first thought This is, of course, the first thing you think before you really think about the problem. Your first response shows what you decided on the spot. By going with their gut, many people have saved their lives. But before you decide based on this, you should also think about what other people have to say.
b) What other people think Take the time to hear what others have to say after you've heard what you want to hear. This can be very helpful in figuring out what's going on, since there may be things you don't see from your point of view. This is especially important if your move to another country will affect other people.
c) What should we do? your first thought about something is what you want to do. After you've figured out what's going on, ask yourself what you should do. Think about what other people think and what the situation calls for, and then decide what you really need to do.
Some might say that these things go against each other. There's not much that can be done about it. What you need to do is figure out what the contradiction is really about. It's hard enough to decide whether or not to move overseas without having to listen to more than one voice. But if you get to the bottom of the contradiction, you'll find that all of these different points of view come from the same person. And you'd be able to choose the right thing.
Think of moving abroad as a whole new adventure. Think of it as the start of a new chapter in your life. You should always remember that life is one big adventure, and sometimes you have to take risks to enjoy it. You should also keep in mind that no one can force you to do something you don't want to do. In the end, it will still be your choice whether or not to move abroad.