If you want to lower your insurance costs, you will definitely have to put in some work. If you want to save money on insurance, you should look into all of your options and resources. Here are some ways to save money and cut...
In 2006, nearly 380 million people helped make weddings possible. It seems impossible, but there is a way to do it. Wedding favours are small gifts of thanks that are given to guests at the reception. In the past, wedding favours didn't mean much...
During WWII, Auschwitz was the most well-known of the Nazi work camps. There, a man or woman could be sent to the gas chambers or used in medical experiments at any time. They could also be given an injection of phenol to the heart, which would...
In high schools and communities all over the U.S., there's a new trend going on. Many people want to learn Chinese or are already doing so. This could be a good thing, but it could also cause problems. This is especially true for people who don't...
Here, I talk about a variety of things we use every day without giving them much thought, like Coca-Cola, our muscles, and holding our breath. Even though most of these notes aren't really necessary, they are funny enough to use at a drinking...
Some of my favourite cheesecakes are lemon, vanilla, and the more complicated ones like pumpkin, chocolate chip, cranberry, and blueberry. When you take your first bite of your favourite cheesecake, the pleasure you feel can be both exciting and...