Did you know that there are many programmes that will pay off all or some of your student loans? There is no myth about student loan forgiveness. Many of these programmes don't get a lot of publicity, so most people who could get thousands of...
W.C. Fields, a famous comedian, once told a reporter, "When the country runs out of money, we'll just have to print some more." If things were that easy, tax time would be a bigger party than Christmas, Halloween, and the Super Bowl all together....
One night, Stacy's boyfriend of twelve years didn't come home, and she knew he was with an ex-girlfriend. He begged Stacy to give him another chance, but her pride and anger stopped her. Stacy said that even though she still loved him, she would...
When legendary US TV reporter Barbara Walters interviewed Oprah Winfrey, she asked her, "Why do you put yourself on the line week after week, year after year, on the cutting edge of human emotion?" Oprah replied "Teaching people how to behave...
Consider it. Are you here for more than just your own pleasure or to be a consumer to make other people happy?
The next article has important information that might make you think twice about what you thought you knew. The most important...