Finding a way to pay off credit card and other debts can be hard enough, but when you have to deal with high interest rates and late fees, it can be even harder.
Setting up a weekly payment plan is one of the best ways to pay off your credit card debt. It is much easier to pay once a week than once a month. Also, since interest is charged by the hour, making payments once a week will cut the total amount of interest.
You can also try to get rid of your debt by getting help from the Consumer Counseling Center of America. This is a non-profit group that helps people who have a lot of debt by putting them in touch with credit counsellors. Credit counsellors will figure out how much debt you have and help you make a plan to pay it off. Next, the counsellors will talk to your creditors and try to get your monthly payments and interest rates lowered. They will help you pay all bills that are past due, stop creditors from calling you, and settle bills that are very far behind.
You have to be responsible with your money for anything to work. This means cutting back on your overall spending and living costs so you have more money to pay off your bills. You may even have to cut back or stop using your credit card. Taking action is the only way your credit counselling will work. So, you might want to cancel all of your credit cards except for one, which you should only use in an emergency. The credit limit and interest rate on this card should be low. Transfer all of your credit card balances to the company with the lowest interest rate is another good idea.
Beware of credit counselling services that offer to get rid of your debt for a small fee. Companies like this have tricked a lot of people out of their money. So, to be safe, check out an agency's background before you sign up with them.