If you have a lot of debt and are struggling to make ends meet each month, you've probably given your options for getting out of debt a long and serious look. You've probably read more than you want to know about consumer credit counselling,...
A lot of people end up owing a lot more money than they can realistically pay back. If this sounds like you, it's likely that you've looked into your options and decided that negotiating with your creditors for lower credit card balance...
You might want to settle your debts, but you're worried that it might hurt your credit score. If your main worry about debt settlement is that it will hurt your credit score, read on for answers to some questions you might have.
First, you...
Many people's financial lives have been ruined by credit card debt. Most people who have credit cards don't know that it can take a long time to pay off credit card debt, especially if the interest rates are high. So, if you don't have the money...
A lot of people find themselves in a situation where they are getting more and more in debt and don't have nearly enough money to pay their monthly bills. People who are having trouble paying their bills have no choice but to find the best way to...