Have you ever thought about how many chances you missed because you couldn't understand, speak, or write English? How many times have you said you were sorry you didn't know English?
It's important to learn English now if you want to feel more confident at work or in your social life. English is the key to success in today's competitive world. If you want to make a change in yourself and the people around you, you need to learn English.
Most people around the world speak English as a second or third language. But because the world is becoming a global village where English is the language of communication and the web is the way people talk to each other, learning English online has become a must. English is a language that is used for all kinds of communication, whether it's social, political, or related to a job. En101 has started a mission called "One World, One Language" because of this problem. En101 wants no one to feel left out and wants everyone to feel confident and at ease when speaking English.
Many people want to learn English, but they don't know what the best way is to learn English for business and career purposes. Many people aren't sure what the best, fastest, and cheapest way is to learn English. Well, En101 makes it easier to learn English online in new ways. The best part is that you can learn English and make a lot of money by telling other people about En101.
En101 is a great choice for you because it gives you a chance to make money while you learn. But you can try others where they hold your hand in a way that is hard to find and where learning is both fun and useful. Most importantly, learn English from a place where you can use all kinds of media and talk to people in real time.
Keep in mind that it shouldn't be hard at all to learn English online. How did you learn your native language? It's by talking to people in real life. You should also talk to your peers and courseware experts in real life to learn English. I think you should spend more time learning everyday English than reading epics. You should try to do things the way the English do them, which means you should pay attention to how they use words and say them. Also, you can take one-on-one pronunciation tests online and get help from an English speaker.
Spelling and pronunciation are the hardest parts of learning English. If you get these things wrong or are led astray about how to say them, you have fallen into a trap. But you won't have this problem with organisations like En101 that are known all over the world. They make it easy to learn. And you can learn English online from the comfort of your own home.
En101 uses a personalised method of teaching (one-on-one) to give each person a "specialised" way to learn. It seems so real that the teachers might as well be in the same room with you.
Even though it has a world-class education, it has kept costs to a minimum. En101 owns and takes care of the product, and there are no shipping or handling costs because the product can be sent anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. Because of this, it has not only made learning more affordable, but also more fun. When you sign up for En101.com, everyone in your family learns, and it doesn't cost much.
The writer works in social services. She is in charge of an organisation that helps poor people learn English.