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Is Your Out Of Control Spending Eating Your Money?

By Team iBizExpert On April 12, 2022 02:40 PM No Comments
Do you get notices that bills you thought you paid are overdue? Did you try to take money out of your bank account and find out it's overdrawn? Or did you try to pay for groceries with a check but it was turned down? If so, you can't buy...

Controlling Debt - The Best Way To Improve Your Finances

By Team iBizExpert On March 22, 2022 10:15 PM No Comments
Debt management isn't just a term that financial advisors use when their clients are in trouble. Getting a handle on your debt is the best way to avoid making expensive mistakes like buying things with cash or on credit, not paying attention to...

Take Control of Gas Prices

By Team iBizExpert On March 09, 2022 12:40 PM No Comments
Does it seem like every time you go to the gas station, you spend all your money? By taking care of your car and driving in ways that use less gas, you can get more miles out of every gallon you pump. Rich White, executive director of the...

How to budget your money for debt relief

By Team iBizExpert On March 09, 2022 06:03 AM No Comments
Putting together a budget can help you pay off your debts and get out of debt. In fact, the process is not hard. You'll need a piece of paper, a pen, copies of your bills and other expenses, some time, and the will to do it. And to do it well,...

Personal Finance - How To Reduce Your Monthly Expenses

By Team iBizExpert On March 09, 2022 02:04 AM No Comments
Everyone has basic needs that they have to pay for every day. These are fixed costs. There is no way to get rid of fixed costs, but you could save a lot of money by getting creative with your budget. If you have trouble with debt, controlling...

How to Control Your Expenses to Eliminate Debt

By Team iBizExpert On March 08, 2022 03:26 PM No Comments
This sounds easy, but to keep track of your costs, you need to know what they are. You can only be sure of what you spend if you write everything down. It's hard to do this. Then you'll have to do something even harder: make sacrifices and live...

How To Create Your Own Emergency Fund?

By Team iBizExpert On March 08, 2022 02:25 PM No Comments
Do you find it hard to squeeze even one more dollar out of a monthly budget that is already tight because of unexpected car repairs, quarterly insurance payments, or medical bills? These are unavoidable costs that can put you in a stressful...

Gangs: The Unrecognized Cults

By Team iBizExpert On January 31, 2022 12:18 AM No Comments
There is a new show on the History channel called "Gangland." It talks about the history and ways of different gangs, such as the Arian Brotherhood, La Eme, the Hells Angels, and the Mongol Nation, to name a few. Many of these gangs are "blood...

How to measure the ideal cult member

By Team iBizExpert On January 31, 2022 11:46 AM No Comments
ARTICLE: How to pick the perfect cult member with math In the book "Geek Logic" by Garth Sundem, a list of formulas for making decisions has been made. It's a lot of fun because it takes away emotions from decisions that SHOULD be...

Do you want to achieve fulfilment, success and true hapiness?

By Team iBizExpert On January 29, 2022 12:33 PM No Comments
Are you in charge of what happens to you? As you read these words, you may be thinking about and looking for ways to make your life feel more complete, successful, and happy. Some people seem to do well in relationships, business,...

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