Even if you only raise your credit score, or FICO, by 50 points, you could save hundreds of dollars a month in lower payments. This is because the interest rate that lenders charge you for auto loans, mortgages, and credit cards is directly...
Have you ever done something stupid with your money? Yes, you have, and I have too. I can't remember how many times.
Do you want to be smarter about how you spend your money? Here are some things to think about that will help you avoid...
Your credit score or FICO report can affect whether or not you can get a loan, how much interest you pay on loans, and even whether or not you get a job. Since you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by raising your score, it should be...
Credit scores are like a report card for your money. The Big Three consumer reporting agencies, Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian, check your credit every day, so you can't avoid having a credit score. Then, these agencies give your scores to...
If a debtor is already at the end of his rope and trying to figure out how to get out of debt, the last thing he needs to worry about is whether the debt counsellor he has chosen to help him will make his problems worse. He needs to know that...
There are a lot of people worried about their credit all over the world. In the past, a person's credit was the only thing that was looked at when they tried to get a loan, but that has changed. When you look for a job or want to rent an...
Even if you've had your current mortgage for years, you can always get a better rate. Many people think that once they sign the papers, their mortgage interest rates are set in stone, but each year, hundreds of thousands of people negotiate...
The interest rate you can get on your mortgage is one of the most important parts of buying a home. After all, you want to borrow the money you need for your house for as little as possible.
Standard variable rate is the typical interest...
About 50 years ago, employers started offering health insurance as a way to attract and keep good workers. Overall, group plans were usually cheap for employers, and employees usually paid a small amount or nothing at all for their own and their...
Some "Things" won't ever change, like how much I love my children. Even if my kids do some "Stupid Things," I will still love them. I might be disappointed in them, but that's probably because they don't really want my advice and probably won't...