There are many ways to find homeschool message boards and other resources on the web these days. But before you do anything else, I think you need to know what homeschooling is all about. For newcomers and people who want to know more, note and understand the following:
When you say "homeschooling," you mean that you teach your kids at home instead of sending them to public or private school. There are a number of ways to homeschool. Unschooling, also called child-led education, is one of the most common ways to teach your kids. This is when you follow their natural interests and questions to teach them. There is also a method called "School at Home." This is when you buy textbooks for all subjects and follow a lot of the same ideas that are used in regular school. There are also the classical approach or trivium, the Montessori method, unit studies, and the satellite school. If you join homeschool message boards, you will know everything there is to know about these methods.
But where exactly on the web can you find homeschool message boards and join them? You can go to the sites below if you want to learn more about homeschooling or just want to meet other people who are interested in it.
The Homeschool Hub
Homeschool Central now has several sections about homeschooling. They also keep up a lot of homeschool message boards, which you can join if you want to give advice, ask questions, or comment on what other people have written. And maybe the best thing about this site is that it has its own homeschool message boards as well as links to other forums where people talk about homeschooling.
Teen Homeschool Hang
This site was made so that homeschooled teens could talk to other teens their age from all over the world and find interesting things to do and read online. Also, it's good to know that this site is safe. So, teens can have fun sharing their ideas on homeschool message boards without worrying their parents. Also, this site is based on Christianity, but anyone can use it. Their message boards for homeschoolers are run by homeschoolers or people who just finished homeschooling. So, if you've been homeschooled your whole life or just started, the Teen Homeschool Hang is an online place for you.
CRA Homeschool in California
California homeschoolers should go to the CRA California Homeschool message boards. Here is where you can meet up online to help each other, ask questions, get advice, and find answers. Also, this is the perfect place to talk to other California homeschoolers about your successes and problems. Even better, CRA's homeschool message boards are open to all homeschoolers, afterschoolers, people who are thinking about homeschooling, and people who are looking for information. You can also ask questions about parenting and family issues in general, as these are very welcome.