How to Pick the Best Keywords. Many SEO experts will tell you that they have specific ways to choose the right keywords for a website. Some people do it with software called SEO tools, which compares different keywords to see which ones are used the most. Some will give you spreadsheet-based ways to do it yourself. But we say that in your search for keywords, you should try everything you can. Here are some things you could try:
First, go to the search engine where you want to check your site's ranking and type in the keywords you want to check. Your results pages will come up, and you will have to look through them until you find your website. SEO experts say that you should keep optimising if you aren't in the top 20 results, since most people won't look any further. This makes perfect sense. If you want to know if your rank is high enough, just ask yourself, "Would I search for this page for this long?"
One thing you can do is focus your site on one or two keywords and work hard on them. It may not seem like much, but it's enough. Make sure that each page of your site has good enough navigation so that someone can get anywhere from anywhere else. Use simple "a href" links instead of fancy JavaScript to do this. Now is a good time to get rid of frames if you are using them. You can replace them with scrollable div> tags to make pages that look the same but are easier for search engines to crawl. Damage control is the most important thing to remember if you fall in the rankings. Any SEO work you've done that could be seen as controversial, you should stop doing right away. If you're lucky, your website hasn't been taken off of any major search engines for good.
Once you've done everything you can to fix things locally, it's a good idea to make sure your file sizes aren't too big. Make sure you don't have too many images or external files that are too big and will stop a search engine from trying to index you. Make sure you haven't made a loop of links that Google's bots can't get out of.
Links are a big part of how your website ranks, and you should think about finding good link partners to increase your targeted traffic and make sure your keywords are relevant. If you already have a good number of link partners, you can ask them to move their links to your site for a short time to a page with more traffic so you can get re-indexed. They might be willing to do this if you remind them that links from your site to theirs are more valuable after you've been indexed than before.
If you submit to the search engines correctly the first time and have a good SEO maintenance plan, you will only have to submit your site once. You could hire someone to keep your site up-to-date, since sites that are updated often rank higher. If your page's rank has recently dropped, use Google Sitemaps to get it back into Google. This is the fastest and most powerful way to fix damage.
If your URL has been indexed by Google, this page will give you the option to show the cached version of the page, find similar pages, or find pages that link to your page or have your URL on them. You could use these manual tracking methods, but it would be faster to use online tools or downloadable software. If you do it by hand, it can be very boring and take a long time, especially if you have to keep an eye on several sites.
Send your website to each search engine and directory the right way by hand, and make sure you know how each site works. It's just not a good idea to use automatic submissions. So many things can go wrong, and you have no idea what happens behind the scenes. Work by hand, and if you can, try to get in touch with the search engine or directory and find out why your site was suddenly taken down. Ask them if there is anything you can do to make up for any mistakes you may have made. Get as many one-way links from directories as you can, or pay other sites to link to yours. Two-way links aren't as good as one-way ones. Check your results often to see what is working and what isn't. Don't be afraid to try something different. If you remember all of these things, it won't be hard to get back up in the rankings after a drop.