When you need a new credit card, you now have the option of getting it quickly. You could not make getting a credit card any easier or faster. Most of the time, you will know in just a few minutes if you are approved or not. But since it's so easy, you might want to take a few minutes to make sure it's a good deal. Here are some things to look for to make sure it really is as good of a deal as you think it is.
Most of the time, people with good or great credit are the only ones who can get an instant approval credit card. If you don't, you probably won't get in and your application will be turned down. At least, this is how most credit card companies work. Now, though, there are credit cards for students and some for people with bad credit that can be approved right away. So, now the playing field is getting a little bit more even.
When you look at the different offers for instant approval credit cards, you need to choose the one that will give you the most rewards or rebates. This could be a travel card, a gas card, a general card, or a special card for something like entertainment. You could also use a driver's licence.
Once you've decided on the main feature, you should look at the interest. This number can be anywhere between 9.99 percent and 18.24 percent. Since you might have to pay this rate after the introductory period is over, you want to get an instant approval credit card with a good and low rate. People with bad credit or at least less than good credit can expect higher interest rates and shorter introductory periods on their credit cards.
Then, if you have balances on other credit cards, you want to get a credit card with instant approval that lets you transfer balances. Find out when you can use this option, since some credit cards only let you use it when you sign up. Also, find out how long the 0% interest on the transfers will last. You want one that gives you that interest rate (none) for at least a year.
One of the cool things about a good credit card that you can get right away is the rewards. Depending on the type of instant approval credit card you get, these come in many different shapes and amounts. Make sure to find out how long the points or air miles last, where you can use them, and how close those stores are to you.
Lastly, find out if there are any fees. Some newer instant-approval credit cards no longer have interest, but they do charge an annual fee. Balance transfers may also have a fee, and there may be even more fees. To find out about all of these, you will have to read the small print.
You should be able to get a good instant approval credit card if you look into each of these things carefully. If there are any questions about your credit score, you may have to answer more questions over the phone or by mail to clear things up. After that, you should get your new credit card in a few days.