People want to get sick just thinking about how dangerous our financial situation is in this country, like the well-known subprime mortgage meltdown. This financial epidemic has not only hurt individuals, but also a large number of "mom and pop" small business owners.
All over the country, especially in big cities and their surrounding suburbs, people are losing their homes and businesses to foreclosure, their jobs, and their financial dignity (west and east).
With the dollar getting weaker and food and gas prices going up, many Americans think we are facing a national crisis. So what? Hire an expensive debt consolidation service or a lawyer to fight for your credit. Sure, if you don't mind giving away a lot of money from the money tree in your backyard.
Or, you could pay an average of $5,000 to a company like Trade Line Solutions to link your credit to an established corporate revolving credit account (s). They say your credit score will go up by up to 200 points in 30 days, and that's usually what happens. But how many people in bad financial and credit situations have that kind of money lying around? I don't think there are many. I guess budget comes into play here.
You could easily go to a Barnes and Noble or Walden Books near you and buy a "How to" book on Consumer Credit Repair. Even though this solution is cheap (about $25), you still run the risk of getting unintentional and indirect wrong information because credit laws are always changing. A publisher might not be able to change the books as quickly as the credit law does. It takes time to research changes, make the right changes and edit, publish new books, recall old books (take them off the shelves), and deliver new books to bookstores. By then, the law might have changed once more.
A Credit Repair E-Book or E-Kit is the one thing I would recommend to consumers with a moderate budget. There are many trustworthy Credit Repair E-Books on the internet, such as Credit Bible Secrets ($69) and Consumer Victory Credit's - Credit Restoration E-Book. By far, the second option is becoming more and more popular. Consumer Victory Credit's E-Book is becoming more popular with consumers because it was written by a Mortgage Banker and Private Real Estate Investor who has worked in this field for more than 10 years. Also, the book is always updated with the latest credit laws, and best of all, it only costs about ten dollars. If you do these things to fix your credit the right way, you will definitely be able to fix it for good. There is a way out of this financial mess, and many people find it at Don't just take my word for it, figure it out for yourself. Good luck on your quest for perfect credit.