More and more people are using credit cards, and it's hard to know which one is best for you. You can be sure to get the most out of your credit card if you follow a few simple rules. High-interest cards can end up costing you more than you want...
People often say that a person's reputation and good name are their most valuable assets. Your credit score is tied to your name and follows you wherever you go in North America, whether it's New York, Chicago, Edmonton, Alberta, or Vancouver,...
When someone has a lot of debt, their credit rating is often also very bad. Some people in this tough situation might be able to deal with their loans and credit by doing nothing. This is where the term "judgement proof" comes in to explain what...
Over the next three years, house prices, the cost of borrowing, inflation, and the cost of living are all expected to go up. But some people are finding that their wages don't keep up with these changes and are falling deeper and deeper into...
To get out of debt and improve your financial future, you need to know how your credit score and credit report work. Here is the information you need.
You might wonder why some people with the same income or job can walk into a bank and...
The credit score is what the credit bureaus use to decide if you are eligible to borrow money from them or not. If you haven't been able to pay your bills in the past, you won't be given another loan. Bad credit will follow you around for the...
The Big Three credit reporting agencies (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian) use the same formula to figure out your FICO score or credit score, but they do it on their own. Your score has a big effect on how well you can handle your money. If...
People often think of credit reports like going to the dentist: they have to do it, but they don't like it. This is especially true for people who have had money problems in the past. However, it's important to know what's in your credit report...
Are you looking for a way to get out of your growing debt that keeps getting worse? Your first thought might be to hire someone to fix the problem, but if you already have money problems, this might not be the best choice. Why not learn how to...
Bankruptcy used to be a big no-no, but now it's pretty common. Without even thinking about it, tens of thousands of Americans face bankruptcy every year.
Why many businesses go bankrupt
There are many things that can cause a...