These days, everyone wants to save money on gas. We look for the best deals, keep up with the news, plan trips together, and walk more. But many of us, especially real estate agents, have no choice but to deal with the gas shortage. Not every house you sell will be in your neighbourhood, and not every house a client wants to see will be down the street. They want the city, the suburbs, and that charming person who lives in a nearby town. So, if you're a real estate agent who wants to sell houses, you have to drive. Luckily, there are four easy ways to make your gas last longer when you drive.
There are four easy ways to save gas while driving.
The best way to save money on gas is so easy that you probably haven't even thought about it.
It says, "SLOW DOWN."
The best way to get the most mileage out of your travelling tin can is to slow down and (gasp) drive the speed limit. To move faster, you just have to use more energy. Speed eats up your gas tank in two ways: the wind pushes against you more and you use more gas than you need to. Also, the extra wear and tear on your car will cost you money. So, if you don't want your car to be a loud gas guzzler, just drive the speed limit. You might get yelled at by drivers who want to drive like they're on the autobahn, but you'll save gas and stay out of trouble with the police, speed traps, and your mom.
- Don't move around. While you're at it, you could also try to keep your speed as steady as possible. On flat ground, you can save a lot of money by driving smoothly or, even better, by putting the car in cruise control. The old "hurry up and wait" combination of accelerating and braking uses a lot of energy and costs you in the long run. When you're driving, look far ahead and get ready to slow down. When the speed goes down slowly and then goes up slowly, less fuel is used. Running green lights is not a good way to save gas.
- Choose the path with the least amount of trouble. Depending on where you live, you might not be able to avoid bumpy, winding roads, but if you can, you should. On a gravel road, you can lose up to 30% of your gas mileage, and even more if it's one of those winding, scenic roads with a lot of turns and gas/brake pedal manoeuvring. Don't use these on the highway; save them for vacation.
- Get your car tuned up and keep the air in your tyres. Low gas mileage is caused by spark plugs that don't work, filters that don't work, and sensors that don't work. Get your car tuned up regularly, and while you're at it, check the tyres. Tires that aren't inflated well need more power from the engine to move. A little bit of air can go a long way.
Obviously, if you're a serious driver in the modern world, you're probably thinking about switching to a hybrid, which is the next step for people who just can't give up their cars. But you might want to take your time while you're looking for the right one.