People who hate going to the dentist can use products to whiten their teeth at home.
In the past, the only way to get your teeth whitened was to make an appointment with your dentist. Most of them don't really want to go to the dentist, so they always make appointments for later. In the end, they just forget about their appointment to have their teeth whitened.
Most of the time, people are too scared to go to their dentist appointments. Even if they want or need to get their teeth whitened, the appointment will always be moved or cancelled.
This is why, when products for whitening teeth at home came out on the market, these people couldn't wait to try them. Going to the dentist is no longer scary because you can whiten your teeth at home. The process can also be done whenever you want. Plus, it doesn't cost as much as going to the dentist.
There are still people who use the old, tried-and-true ways to whiten their teeth at home. Even though they seem too old-fashioned for people today, they still work just as well as they did in the past.
What are some simple ways to whiten teeth at home that some people still use today?
- A paste made of bicarbonate of soda and water.
You can buy bicarbonate soda paste at drug stores or grocery stores. Some people still buy them to use on their teeth to make them whiter.
They mix the paste with water and gurgle it all the time. People think that using this solution regularly can remove stains from the surface of the teeth, making them whiter and more shiny.
- Lemon juice paste and salt.
This mixture is known to get rid of the yellow colour of the teeth. Some people use this mixture in a ceremony to make their teeth look better.
The acid in the lemon juice paste is thought to whiten teeth if you leave the strips on your teeth for a few minutes. If you do this every day, the dull colour of your teeth will go away.
- Dried orange peel with bay leaves.
Bay leaves and dried orange peel can also be used to make your teeth whiter. Just like with the lemon paste, you just need to put this on your teeth often.
- Inner orange peel part.
You will notice that the back of an orange is white when you peel it. You usually throw it away because it doesn't have any use.
You don't know that it can also be used to make your teeth whiter. Just rub that white part on your teeth, and your teeth will get a beautiful white shine.
These are some simple ways to whiten your teeth at home that have been shown to work in some parts of the world. You can buy and use chemically made products to whiten your teeth at home today.
The good thing about these simple ways to whiten your teeth at home is that they don't have the known side effects that store-bought products do. They are also very cheap. If you want to see if they work better than the products you buy, you can try them out.