Payday loans are something everyone has heard of. You have seen the ads and might have even gotten some in the mail. If you need money quickly, you might be able to get it through a payday loan. Even better, it doesn't take long to fill out an application, and you can get your money within 24 hours. Some companies will send it to you in as little as an hour.
Payday lenders are everywhere, and most of them are easy to find on the Internet. The process of getting a payday loan is not hard, and you can get the money you need quickly. It can take up to 10 minutes to fill out the form. Most of the time, a phone call will follow to get a little more information. After you've been approved, your money will be sent to you. If you've never had a payday loan before, your first one is free.
You don't have to have good credit to get your cash. In fact, they won't even look at your credit. So, you can still get a payday loan even if you have bad credit. They do have a tracking system, though, and payday loan lenders use it to keep track of how many payday loans you can have at once. Most of the time, you can only have three payday loans at a time.
The information you need to fill out the application is easy to find and understand. You will be asked about your job, both where you work now and where you have worked in the past. These lenders want you to have worked at the same job for at least six months and make at least $1,000 a month. Most of them, though, will need a $1,500 income. If you don't work full time and only make a small amount of money, you only need about $900 each month. They will also ask for a checking account that is still open and has been for at least six months.
When your payday loan is approved, the money will be sent to your checking account. It will also come out of the account, or they will just put your check with a future date through the bank.
The first loan won't give you much money, maybe up to $400. After that, though, some lenders will give you up to $1,500 if you have always paid on time.
Payday loans are a quick and easy way to get cash. But you only have to pay for the first one, and not all of them will do this. After that, you probably won't use it again unless you have no other option. The rate of interest is high, and sometimes it's even very high. Most of the time, it's between 15 and 30 percent, so you'll need to do some shopping around to find the best rates. As you can see, there is a fee for the convenience, but it is fast and can help you get cash when you need it most.